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When is the cheapest month to visit Dubai?

25 February 2020

If you are planning a trip to Dubai, but wondering what is the best and cheapest time to visit, then this piece of information is for you.

The 'cheapest' season implies 'off-season', as during the peak season, with increase in visitor numbers, the demand would be higher, and so will be the prices. When planning a visit to any tourist destination, we divide the time into two major seasons: the 'peak period' and the ‘off-season period’. The off-season period is the time when the total travel expenditure becomes half or one-third, in comparison to the peak season. Travelling in this cheap season will be less fancy, but is sure to save you some money.

cheapest month to visit Dubai

So wondering when exactly is this so called 'off-season' period for a visit to Dubai? Before arriving at an answer to this, there is one more aspect to consider. When visiting a place like Dubai, it is necessary to take weather into consideration, as in Dubai, the weather is just hot, hotter and hottest. So, certainly, the best possible time to visit Dubai that will make your travel experience better would be when the weather is rather bearable. The months of summer may prove very cost-effective, but, may not make you feel very comfortable as far as the weather is concerned.  Now, if you plan a visit to Dubai during the winter months, then that is the festive period, which is the peak season, so that would be more expensive for you.

Avoid the peak season and go for off-season visit

Avoid the peak months of December, January and February as these are the festive months with Christmas, New year celebrations and the great Dubai Shopping Festival making the city come to life. The next few months are summer, and it would be too hot in Dubai when travelling with kids.

So, the ideal and cheapest time may be post-summer, which may serve the purpose of your visit. This period falls during the months July to September.  During these months, the weather is right for travel, and being the off-season period, it will be the cheapest option available.

The key to a successful travel to any place actually depends on the level of comfort and cost factor. A combination of these two factors will help you obtain a great travel experience for every penny spent.  So, when travelling to a destination like Dubai, the post-summer months are the cheapest and best months for a visit, as apart from enjoying your travel and stay, you can also save some bucks!

Robin Vinod

Writer/blogger who writes on topics such as travel, real estate, employment and everyday life on GCC countries.

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